Monday 15 October 2012

Mirror Mirror

Following on from my post on Friday, I thought I would just say something about the mirror/reflection
photo I had taken....

My wall mirror in the studio (a left over from when daughter lived at home)  has proved so useful when painting.   When I am unsure how a painting is 'balanced'   I just turn the painting round to face the mirror....that way instead of seeing 'what I want or think' should be in the painting, I actually 'see' only the 'structure' of the piece......

if something is out alignment (eg. a tree leaning wrongly - or a mountain top going too far in the wrong direction) the Mirror will show it up immediately.  It is so helpful.

example as with this landscape...I face the mirror to see if I'm happy with it...

 I adjusted some of the 'values' of light against dark....

Friday's painting happened to be on my large table easel, so turning it round wasn't an option.  In this case I used a small hand mirror instead...

the small folding mirror helps when doing plein air paintings too.

Hope this is a useful tip and a help

 when you are unsure of a painting
